Reduction in CO2
Acting with environmental awareness
145 tonnes of paper pass through our printing machines daily, and – whether inline or offline – are finished, cut, folded, fastened, packed and delivered, to become magazines, sets of headed paper, brochures, customer dialogue solutions and lots more. With every step in production and beyond, we take especial care to proceed in an environmentally-friendly manner.
We reduce the use of chemicals, print isopropyl-free (IPA) and send almost all paper waste for recycling. In sheet-fed offset, we have been successfully using mineral oil-free printing inks based on vegetable oil for years in order to avoid MOSH and MOAH contamination. In web offset, inks with a low mineral oil content are used. The limits set by CITEO are fully complied with. This enables us to guarantee high print quality and safety for our customers at the same time.
We can also use mineral oil-free inks for you on request.
Did you know that from January 1, 2025, only mineral oil-free ink may be used for print products published on the French market?
We would be happy to advise you or get in touch with your personal contact.
However, environmentally-friendly production is even taken a lot further by B&K
Our customers can rely on a good co-operation when they collaborate with B&K. In that respect, we attempt, wherever possible, to also fulfil their high requirements posed of environmentally-friendly and climate-friendly print products. We produce stickers, for example, which are completely recyclable.
Responsibility is more than a word
Striving to keep at it and staying eager to always be on the move, and repeatedly coming up with new ideas – this way of thinking and proceeding is at the forefront of operations for all those who work at B&K. Assign and take on responsibility. That applies, to the same extent, vis-à-vis the environment, employees and, naturally, the customers.
In three shifts, we, at B&K Offset Printing, produce printed matter in a production area of over 1,000 m². Our daily capacity, in 4 to 5-colour printing, comprises over 80 million A4 pages, 6.5 million folds, and 1.5 million wire stitching processes. That requires energy and resources, the consumption of which we are continually reducing in order to cut down on carbon dioxide emissions.
We invest in energy-efficient machinery, resource-saving processes and the modernisation of our building technology:
Expressed in figures, this translates to:
Through output-controlled heating circuit pumps, energy-efficient air compressors and a smart compressed air network
Reduction in CO2
The new Heidelberg 10-colour machine achieves savings of 30% in comparison to the previous system (since 2020)
Reduction in CO2
By converting to LED lighting that saves on resources
Reduction in CO2
Through a highly efficient extraction unit with clean-air fan (since 2020)
Reduction in CO2
Through B&K’s continually updated pool of machinery
The energy mix of the utility company FairEnergie deployed by B&K Offset Printing has been taken as the basis for all calculations at 257 g/kWh.
Just do it: Social commitment comes naturally to us
What makes B&K Offsetdruck GmbH, Ottersweier, a very special company? It is our employees. For we hold the opinion that people do not define themselves via a staff number, references or certificates. It is the volition, enthusiasm and passion that distinguish people. We offer our employees the opportunity to prove exactly that, irrespective of their origin or previous career. We promote our employees in their development, commit to their well-being, and offer job bike leasing, fitness and self-defence courses as well as lectures on healthy nutrition and health care.
This is just one reason why B&K Offset Printing was nominated as the most socially committed company in 2018. And, while others bring up clumsy expressions, such as “Corporate Social Responsibility”, we, at B&K Offset Printing, organise donation campaigns which benefit regional organisations, friends’ associations, schools and people who, through no fault of their own, have become needy. We support earthquake victims in Haiti and are involved in donating and conducting test campaigns in order to combat leukaemia.